Rootsmudge, root fade, shadow root, colour melting and root stretching are all similar techniques used by hairdressers to blend between your natural colour and your mid length and ends coloured hair. However, root smudge is more used for after the hair ishighlighted to "smudge" or "blur" the look of bright new highlighted hair with a gloss from as little as 1\2 inch to two inches wide depending on how dramatic an effect you want to achieve. shadow root, colour melting, root fade and root stretching are techniques used to blend out your natural hair colour into more of a balayage, foiliyage etc effect . Giving you more of a natural effect, which allows you more time between appointments.
Balayage, foilyage, ombre and sombre. I know your currently rolling your eyes thinking how is there more, trust me us hairdressers wonder the same some times. Balayage, hand painted highlights to give a more low maintenance, natural blended root effect when compared to traditional highlight. Which leads us into foilyage, Balayage wrapped in foil......there is a reason for such a petty difference, foilyage tends to be a bolder more intense effect. Ombre, the French word for 'colour that is shaded or graduated in tone `. A technique used to create a soft natural transition from usually, darker roots to all lighter ends. sombre is a more natural version usually adding more chestnut, honey or Caramel tones.